Mystery boxes are guaranteed to include over $80 worth of items.
Here are a few examples of items that will be in the box:
The Tru Test
Easy Card Magic Book
The Superball
Coin Magic DVD
Special gimmicks
Mentalism DVDs
The Stone Purse
Lecture Notes
Card Magic DVD
Card Tricks with Bicycle Gaffs
Invisible Coin gimmick
REPETITION card gimmicks
Coin Gaffs (like the PK coin or half dollar shell)
Utility Vanishing Reel
52 Gone Vanishing Deck
2 Card Trick with gaffs
Instant Download Cards
(I have tons of these!!!! They cover coin magic, card magic, comedy magic, mentalism marketing and more!!!)
***Coin Magic Mystery Box
Includes Coin Magic DVDs, coin magic booklets, several coin magic instant downloads, utility vanisher, the STONE PURSE and more!
***Card Magic Mystery Box
Includes Card gaffs, my Easy Card Magic Book Card Magic DVD, complete card magic ebooks, Card Magic Instant Downloads and cool gimmicks you’ll love!
***Mentalist Mystery Box
Includes several Mentalism DVDs, tons of Downloads and Mentalism in every box! Will include at least one book test or my magazine test plus gimmicks.
***Surprise ME!!! - General Magic Mystery Box
We will surprise you with a boat load of awesome magic tricks, mentalism, cool gimmicks, DVDs and downloads you will be like a kid in a candy store!!!